Kabir Hussain 'FIELD TM 3562 3815, STONE' and 'THE BEATING HEART and 'ADULT BEET'

I spent a year from spring 2016 to spring 2017 as the artist in residence at White House Farm in the Alde Valley, Suffolk, I choose to focus on a small area, Field TM 3562 3815 , it became an opportunity to experience landscape in a microcosm. I visited many times and surveyed the field by walking and to explore further I used the familiar art practices of drawing and photography. Over a period of time I became immersed with the life of the field, feeling the energy of the growing sugar beet. This took me by surprise, I had envisaged a much more formal study, the forceful nature of the growing sugar beet made me reassess, they emerged out of the ground,  like huge beasts, monsters erupting out of the soil. I translated the sugar beet into bronze, presenting them as entirely new objects. The sheer mass gave them prescience. The field had held the beet together as a community, in this context younger and adult beet are displayed.
Stones were collected whilst walking, the field was modelled with wax on the surface and later the object was translated into bronze. This process in essence gave me a more direct creative input.
Kabir Hussain graduated in 1984 with an MA in Sculpture from Chelsea School of Art. To facilitate his art practice he is a master bronze founder with over 30 years of experience of working with major UK foundries.