This March, Georgia Green will be leading three brand new Risograph Workshops. An intro to Riso printing: a two-colour workshop which will teach you how to transform a photograph into a two colour print, a CMYK four colour print workshop, and translating your sketchbook pages into Risograph prints!

More information and booking below:

CMYK Risograph Workshop: Translating a Photograph into a Four Colour Print

This workshop is aimed at adults who would like to print photographs with Riso using the CMYK process.

Dates and Times: Weds 27th March, 13:00-16:00, 3 hours.

You will learn how to prepare your image to print in separate layers. We will separate the images into channels, edit them and get them ready for Riso printing. We will then print a four-colour edition for each participant. Our soya-based Risograph inks are not matched to CMYK so there will be a slight colour variation, as well as the lovely ‘grain touch’ textural quality achieved with the Risograph printing process. This is a workshop for people interested in experimenting with full-colour photographs or images. All participants will come out of the workshop with an edition of ten A4 prints.

Please bring a colour photograph on a memory stick or email it to [email protected] in advance. This is the image we will print with on the day. Participants can bring their own laptop, especially if they have photoshop installed as they can split the images themselves. If you don’t have a specific photograph in mind as long as you have a colour image in JPG format we can work with anything! For example scanned magazine clippings, collages or digital artworks.

Four places are available per session.

Price: £45

Book Here

Two Colour Print Workshop: Intro to Riso

This workshop is aimed at individuals aged 14+ who would like an introduction to Riso printing.

Dates and Times:

Tues 26th March, 16:00-18:00, 2 hours. (Up to 4 participants).

Weds 27th March, 16:00-18:00, 2 hours. (Up to 4 participants).

Thurs 28th March, 12:00-15:00, 3 hours. (Up to 6 participants).


Participants will learn how to use the Riso machine and everyone will print a two-colour A4 edition of 10 prints using the flatbed scanner. Our soya- based Risograph inks are currently available in red, aqua (blue), yellow and black. The unpredictable nature or Riso will lead to slight colour variation in each print, as well as the lovely ‘grain touch’ textural quality achieved with Riso.


Please bring two B&W designs on white A4 paper to print with on the day. Participants will be layering these designs to make their final two-colour prints. The images can be anything from drawings or sketchbook pages, magazine clippings or collages. However, I would recommend leaving a minimum 1-2cm border around the outside of your images if there is a lot of heavy black ink or pigment in the artwork. This will reduce the risk of a paper jam. If you are unsure what to bring with you to print feel free to turn up with a selection of possible images, or you can email us with your ideas in advance. Please email possible designs or queries to Georgia at [email protected]

Price: £20

Book Here

Translating Sketchbooks into Riso

This workshop is aimed at individuals aged 14+. We will focus on directly translating sketchbook pages or drawings into two-colour Riso prints using the flatbed scanner.

Dates and Times: Tues 26th March, 13:00-16:00, 3 hours.


This is a great workshop for getting straight into printing as we will be working from pre-existing drawings. Participants will learn how to use the Riso machine and everyone will print a two-colour A4 or A3 edition of 10 prints using the flatbed scanner. Our soya-based Risograph inks are currently available in red, aqua (blue), yellow and black. The unpredictable nature or Riso will lead to slight colour variation in each print, as well as the lovely ‘grain touch’ textural quality achieved with Riso.


Please bring your sketchbooks or several loose drawings (A3 at the largest). Black and white work is preferable. Drawings and sketches with plenty of empty space work best and the riso machine will struggle to print heavy or dark pigmented work. This means that pen and pencil, or watercolour drawings are better suited than heavier acrylic or ink work. If you have any questions regarding what to bring feel free to email Georgia at [email protected]

Six places are available per three hour session. 

Price: £20

Book Here